City of Elk River earns Blue Star Award

Friends of the Mississippi River is pleased to announce that the City of Elk River has earned the Blue Star Award for Excellence in Community Stormwater Management.
Elk River, like all Blue Star communities, is taking a leadership role in protecting Minnesota's water resources and public health. It is one of 22 cities in Minnesota to earn the award by scoring highly on a rigorous assessment of community clean water policies and practices. Additionally, Elk River earned special recognition for scoring fourth highest in the state for its stormwater management standards and practices!
Elk River is doing truly exceptional work. Please join us in thanking and congratulating the community, including:
• Elk River Mayor John J. Dietz and the City Council Members
• Brandon Wisner, Stormwater Coordinator
• City crews who implement best stormwater practices
Do you live in a Blue Star city? Find out here (link is external).
For more information about the Blue Star Award Program, established by Friends of the Mississippi River, visit (link is external) or contact FMR's Alicia Uzarek at (link sends e-mail).